Carol Glatz

By this Author

Italian bishops ready to launch study of abuse cases reported to Vatican

Kids get life lessons from pope, Italian comic on World Children's Day

Pope recognizes miracle needed for church's first 'millennial' saint

Vietnam-Vatican working group hold first meeting since new agreement

Pope calls pastors to be 'missionaries of synodality'

Fear is the great nemesis of faith, pope says at general audience

Vatican warns of potential religious freedom violation in court case

Pope prays for all those affected by deadly quake in Taiwan

Pope asks nations to repeal laws discriminating against women

Pope prays at home while thousands attend Way of the Cross at Colosseum

Vatican releases details of Pope Francis' visit to Venice April 28

Road to Rome: U.S.-Vatican diplomatic ties still vital after 40 years

Indigenous wisdom and science can work together to solve crises, pope says

Eliminating differences with gender ideology is terrible danger, pope says

Pope Francis headed to Venice for a visit to a women's prison

Pope: Christians must rekindle hope in fighting today's forms of slavery

Pope calls for global cease-fire; says humanity is on brink of abyss

Wine, working the land, selling its fruits are gifts from God, pope says

Why is world still plagued by poverty, pope asks leaders at Davos

Lust, pornography poison God's gifts of sexuality, love, pope says

