Religion News Service

By this Author

To bless or not to bless?

Who are the 'nones'? New Pew study debunks myths about America's nonreligious.

Capitalizing on his teachings on sex, Pope Francis' critics shame themselves

Agriculture Department, COGIC make plans for funds to add trees to urban centers

In South America's 'Lithium Triangle,' Indigenous people defend sacred sites

Let the synodal consultations continue

Let's hold a conclave on Capitol Hill

'The Prince of Egypt' live-action musical is now streaming

For years, an oil drill site stood in a South LA neighborhood. Now a park may rise in its place.

Inconvenient truths at Christmastime

God comforts us so we can comfort others

Latino majority congregations see growth, financial struggles, report finds

When can the pope fire a bishop?

William Wilberforce would be scandalized by the pro-factory farming EATS Act

Cardinal Tobin: Faith leaders can influence the world on climate change

'Excuse me, Your Eminence, she has not finished speaking'

COP28 to have first-ever 'Faith Pavilion' at a UN climate summit

Chicana women artists draw inspiration from the virgin of Guadalupe

15 hidden gems in the synod on synodality report

69% of young people experience 'sacred moments' in nature, says new poll

