Black Saints: Origen

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 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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Nov. 24 Origen

Did you know that one of the greatest Bible scholars, Origen, was from ancient Egypt?

He was born in 185 AD. Early in his career, Origen became head of the church’s training school in Alexandria, Egypt. Some of his most impressive concepts on religion had been taught to him by another African teacher named Clement. Origen won wide acclaim for his lectures at Rome, Caesearea, and Jerusalem. Origen’s life-style was said to have been one of self-denial; yet nothing hampered the excellence of his letters. Critical studies of biblical texts and his vivid explanations of the Scriptures had a strong spiritual quality. They carried great moral influence. Even though he was never in complete harmony with his Bishop and he had some differences with Rome, his strength and influence were in constant demand to fight heretics and thinking of non-believers. Without question, Origen was a vital part of the foundation and the fabric of what the great Christian Church was to become.

This is copyrighted material, used with the permission of the Archdiocese of Washington, Office of Black Catholics.

More about Black Catholic history

Blacks in Catholic Christianity have a long and vibrant history.

Much of that history is generally unknown to Black Catholics as well as to the rest of the faithful. On July 24, 1990, the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus of the United States designated November as Black Catholic History Month to celebrate this long history and proud heritage of Black Catholics. During this month we celebrate the presence of our ancestors who kept the faith and are models of living the Gospel life.

November is Black Catholic History Month.

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