On this day in 717, St. Egwin, the third bishop of Worcester, died at Evesham Abbey.
The life of St. Egwin included kings and their children, a vision of the Virgin Mary, two pilgrimages to Rome, and miraculous animals -- a sow whose secret place for giving birth became the site of Evesham Abbey and a fish that carried a key in its belly from the Avon to the Tiber.
R. O felix Egwine, jam de tua gloria secure, nostris miseriis amans impende per Christum; excusa mala fecimus, et obtine bona quæ poscimus.
V. Ut cruciatus infernorum evadere possimus, et Dei aspectu tecum gaudere.
--from Matins for Dec. 30, Feast of the Deposition of St. Egwin
Click here to see a picture of St. Egwin with the fish, the fetters, and the key.