Rome police chaplain recalls slain officer's life of service

Far from Italy, living in American isolation, I pine for Lucca

Pope: Theology begins with sincere dialogue, not 'conquering spirit'

Dutch priest critical of 'euthanasia death' reports of teen

Former priest wanted on abuse charges in Arizona arrested in Italy

Pope advances sainthood causes, including Brazil's 'Mother Teresa'

Dioceses in major maritime areas pledge fossil fuel divestment

Pew study finds continued support in Western Europe for paying church taxes

No loans, no aid: Just Palestinian refugees in an international business

Arroyo's EWTN show is anti-Francis, pro-Trump propaganda

Pray with courage, pope says in morning homily

Pope announces access to wartime documents in Vatican Secret Archives

Pope to issue post-synod document on young people in March

Welcome Christ present in migrants and refugees, pope urges

Generous service brings abundant blessings, pope says

Italy says it's closing refugee center where pope celebrated Mass

After drawn-out negotiations, Malta allows rescued migrants to disembark

Cardinal Kasper is far from controversies for a change, and happily so

Priest uses mother's sauce recipe to help the needy, evangelize

Bishops sign document calling for action against climate change
