Links for 10/18/18

Should Catholics celebrate Kavanaugh's elevation to Supreme Court?

Justice Action Bulletin: Injunction delays end of temporary protected status

Two cakes, two courts, two countries: Same result

Washington state's Supreme Court unanimously strikes down death penalty

Morning Briefing

Balm of loving kindness: antidote in a time of fear

Pakistan court rules on Catholic's blasphemy charge, defers announcement

Call for senators' 'miserable death' seen as more than 'free speech' issue

Kavanaugh hearings, reactions are moral reckoning, not 'national disgrace'

Morning Briefing

Order in the court: Amid drama, Supreme Court gears up for new session

Judges discover strength in pivotal decisions

Systemic racism is pro-life issue, and Catholics must step up

Denominations repent for Native American land grabs

Poll suggests religious freedom push is having an effect

Links for 7/26/18

Parish roundup: Catholic-Muslim relations; priests engaging social culture

How white evangelicals are outliers among US faith groups

The Catholic 'collective' approach could be used again to support labor
