Catholic voters ignored by Democrats at their own peril

Amid Trump's shameful address and breakfast remarks, Romney restores some faith

After acquittal, Trump unleashes fury at impeachment

Books on impeachment may both trouble and reassure President Trump

Focus group of Catholic parishioners talks politics in Detroit suburb

Your thoughts on NCR's 2019 Newsmaker of the Year, part two

For next census, expect every dirty trick in the book from GOP

Your thoughts on NCR's 2019 Newsmaker of the Year

We are living in an 'in between' time politically

Here's the inside scoop on NCR's choice for 2019 Newsmaker of the Year

NCR's 2019 newsmaker of the year: Nancy Pelosi

Disavowal: Some promises should not be forever

Why Nancy Pelosi doesn't hate the president and prays for him instead

Praying for President Trump's transformation

House Speaker Pelosi rebukes reporter: 'Don't mess with me'

Your thoughts on impeachment, part two

The ethical corruption of our nation's highest office is worse than impeachment

Your thoughts on the crisis at our southern border

Trump may make America great again after all -- when we show how out of step he is

The rise of EWTN: from piety to partisanship
