Christians under siege, according to virtual Napa conference

Your thoughts on politicking for a future pope

Cardinal Dolan, George Weigel and the fraudulence of the neocon project

The problems with papal politicking

Exclusive: Dolan sends book on 'The Next Pope' to cardinals around the world

Weigel's 'The Next Pope' has a crimped, Americanist vision of papacy

Has the conservative Catholic project exhausted itself?

Links for 4/21/20

Editorial: Finally, the Legion's terrible truth

Links for 11/19/19

Desecration of sacred images demands bolder action from Vatican

Your thoughts on 2020 election, Napa Institute, a synod for women and more

Links for 9/5/19

Editorial: Those who dismiss Pell verdict ignore integrity of legal process

The Pell verdict: Various shades of justice

At Napa, Lindsey Graham praises Trump, despite administration 'chaos'

At Napa Institute, Cardinal Burke points out 'pervasive errors' in contemporary church teaching

EWTN: connected to conservative Catholic money, anti-Francis elements

Your thoughts on a traditional Mass, presidential elections, humility and more

New rules on abuse mark a major step forward
