
Can money-making microgrids empower Black churches to close the clean energy gap?

Catholics lead protests against mining, oil drilling in Ecuadorian Amazon

Last Generation climate change activists to stand trial at the Vatican

Deadly cyclone slams Rohingya-populated regions of Myanmar

Brazil's president returns 800 square miles of Indigenous land to its original caretakers

Despite new EPA rule to reduce pollution, Catholic activist says fight to protect communities far from over

Used clothing imports to Africa strain local ecosystems, waste management

Citigroup shareholder support holds steady for Catholic sisters' resolution on climate, Indigenous rights

Disabled people face worse outcomes after natural disasters. Inclusive plans may help.

People in poverty, environment face toxic realities that demand united action, says Villanova panel

Catholic sisters press Citigroup to reexamine pipeline financing

Toxic contamination of water sources poses long-term hazards to American communities and environment

Catholic groups back UN request for international court to act on climate change

CRS, USAID help Ethiopia 'at a time of great need' amid devastating drought

Apaches tell court copper mine would harm sacred sites

South LA residents worry about a Catholic archdiocese-owned oil well in their midst

US tribes get bison as they seek to restore bond with animal

Indigenous groups, supporters resist planned dam in the Philippines' Sierra Madre

World must work with Indigenous people to fight climate change, pope says

Brazilian church provides aid to the Yanomami, calls for justice after 'genocide'
