Washington state's Supreme Court unanimously strikes down death penalty

Supreme Court examines dementia, health issues in death penalty cases

Nebraska Catholic bishops invited all to pause to pray during execution

Bishops, faith leaders condemn Tennessee's first execution in nine years

Pope Francis pushes Catholics to actively oppose the death penalty

Links for 8/7/18

With death penalty change, Francis builds on John Paul II's teaching

Cardinal Cupich asserts unconditional right to life, even for murderers

Death penalty opponents welcome Pope Francis' catechism revision

Pope revises catechism to say death penalty is 'inadmissible'

Pennsylvania state commission scrutinizes flaws in death penalty

Tennessee's Catholic bishops urge governor to halt upcoming executions

Nebraska Catholic bishops oppose execution of death-row inmate

US Supreme Court denies hearing Arizona death penalty case

Year in review: Counties seen as key to ongoing death penalty struggle

Death penalty is 'contrary to the Gospel,' pope says

On Arkansas death row or at parishes, Msgr. Harris serves by 'being there'

High court stays Georgia inmate's execution amid claims of racial bias

'Lindy Lou, Juror Number 2' explores guilt after issuing death sentence

Social media campaigns help lead to execution stay in Missouri
