About Investor Advocates for Social Justice: Aligning your Investment Portfolio with Mission


On this webinar, learn how Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ) supports faith-based institutional investors to align and activate their investment portfolios in order to fulfill their mission. Hear from IASJ staff, Board, and current Affiliates about ways to get involved with IASJ's work and work towards an equitable economy where investors leverage their collective voice and resources to advance social, economic and environmental justice.

Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ), a successor to the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization representing investors with faith-based values who seek to leverage their investments to advance human rights, climate justice, racial equity, and the common good. On behalf of our Affiliates, IASJ engages companies to address strategic environmental, social, and governance issues and advocate for change. IASJ encourages alignment of values into the investment decision-making process and uses a variety of shareholder advocacy strategies to encourage corporations to adopt more ethical and sustainable business practices. We welcome the collaborative partnership of faith-based organizations that share similar investment goals. Founded in 1975, we have over forty years of experience with shareholder advocacy and responsible investment.

