Samantha Panchèvre

Samantha Panchèvre is passionate about social justice and sustainability. As a climate change activist, she helped organize the student-led campaign that resulted in Georgetown University divesting its endowment from fossil fuels. She graduated in 2019 from Georgetown's School of Foreign Service where she studied international affairs with a focus on energy and the environment.

By this Author

How to care for our common home

The joy of our hope

The mystery of the Trinity and global solidarity

The power of love and the need to rest

How to live life to the fullest

The Christian's role in social and environmental justice

Collective action can save the world

Sustainable living in a greedy world

Better safe than sorry

The power of "think global, act local"

Intergenerational and intragenerational solidarity

Great societies need strong institutions

Practical relativism and racial justice

Wizards and prophets

The gaze of Jesus

Balancing private property and the common good

Free will and the power of our choices

The mutual responsibility between humans and nature

A true ecological approach always becomes a social approach

Oceans are our planet's true lungs
