NCR gratefully acknowledge those special donors who have made significant endowment gifts in support of NCR’s mission.

The Laudato Sí Fund
Because of a deep commitment to support and amplify integral ecological education and journalism reflecting the spirit of Laudato Sí, the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration have established the Laudato Sí Fund with a $1.5 million gift to NCR’s endowment.
The La Crosse, Wisconsin-based community was among the first supporters of EarthBeat, the project of launched last year to tell stories of climate crisis, faith and action. The money will assure environmental reporting will be a permanent component of NCR.
FSPA President Sr. Eileen McKenzie, calling on other religious communities and individuals to help match the gift and complete the environmental endowment, said the fund is intended to “wake up the world to the moral urgency surrounding climate change and care for our common home.”
Read the full story here:
The Rhoady and Jeanne Marie Lee Endowment for the coverage of Catholic Education and Theology
Having a longtime abiding interest in and commitment to Catholic education and theology, the Jeanne Marie and Rhoady Lee family established this endowment fund in 2013 to enable NCR to provide more coverage of these critical teaching and learning institutions. The fund has helped pay for reporting, features, commentary and book reviews, examining all aspects of Catholic higher education. Jeanne Marie Lee served on the NCR Board of Directors for nine years from 2005-2014.
Bertelsen Fund for the Next Generation of Independent Catholic Journalism
After Tom Bertelsen joined the NCR Board of Directors in 2010, he asked then publisher Tom Fox what he might do to support the long-term growth of the NCR editorial product. Fox’s response: fund an internship program. Bertelsen quickly offered to set up an endowment fund to support four promising young Catholic journalists each year -- two every six months. The number of journalists and length of service has varied over the years, and some have graduated from the training program to become full-time staff. These young writers became known as “Bertelsen Interns” and, beginning in 2021, "Bertelsen Fellows." Working in the NCR newsroom in Kansas City, Missouri, or from elsewhere, these young journalists help create our print and digital editions with their reporting, writing and producing. Along the way, they receive training and guidance from colleagues who've been doing the work for a long time. Every now and then, a Fellow turns the tables and teaches the veterans a thing or two. The Fellows also provide fresh approaches to coverage of the church and wider social issues. Bertelsen served as NCR Board Chair from 2016 to 2018 and serves now as an emeritus member.