"Love. Earth. Justice.": A Multifaith Service of Prayer, Celebration, and Resolve


Gather in worship for environmental justice! At 3 pm Sunday, October 3, 2021, Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light (https://www.massipl.org/) will convene Love. Earth. Justice.: A Multifaith Service of Prayer, Celebration, and Resolve in person at Old South Church in Boston (https://www.oldsouth.org/) and via livestream. Register at http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=evkqo7bab&oeidk=a07eicvxcv2d0b913f2 to receive the livestream link and to help us plan. We will celebrate creation and community, mourn all we have lost, and call each other to faithful action. Planned for approximately 90 minutes, the service will include prayer, meditation, and uplifting music, with an inspiring sermon from Rev. Traci Blackmon (https://www.ucc.org/domestic-policy/ourfaithourvote_about/about-us_meet-our-officers/) national justice minister for the United Church of Christ. Tess Browne, SCN (https://scnfamily.org/advocating-for-environmental-justice/), is also among our worship leaders.  In-person, we’ll follow the strict Covid protocols of Old South Church (https://www.oldsouth.org/guidelines-person-worship). Complete information is at https://www.massipl.org/love-earth-justice. Cosponsored by Boston Catholic Climate Movement (https://catholicclimatemovement.global/chapters/boston/).
