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National Catholic Reporter’s 50th anniversary writing contest

Essays are due January 30, 2015.  Please submit responses to

National Catholic Reporter is inviting high school juniors and seniors to participate in National Catholic Reporter’s 50th anniversary writing contest!  The theme of the contest is “New Faces, New Voices, New Ways of Being Church.”  

National Catholic Reporter is celebrating its 50th year as an independent religious news publication.  An important aspect of this celebratory year is a writing contest for high school juniors and seniors.

The essays should respond to the following prompt with original ideas and creative thought:  In 300-500 words, briefly reflect on your experience of change and growth in the church and describe your hope for the church in the years ahead.  In your response, please give significant attention to ideas about ways you can reach out to new faces and new voices to create a stronger, more vibrant church.

Please submit responses to essay@ncronline.orgEssays are due January 30, 2015.  

Submissions must be typed and include the student’s full name, address, phone number and email address as well as the school’s full name, address and phone number.  The name of the school will not be published unless the school authorizes its use. Plagiarized work or work that is not written by the student will not be accepted. The first-place winner will receive a $1,000 award and have his or her essay published online and in the print copy of the Oct. 9, 2015, issue of NCR.  The second-place winner will receive a $500 award and the third-place winner will receive a $250 award.  Both second- and third-place winners will have their essays published online. Winners will be announced in March 2015. 

Please share this information with faculty, staff and students at Catholic high schools, parish youth groups or any other youth organization that may be interested in participating.

