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University of Dayton Romero series: Romero Human Rights Award Ceremony

The University of Dayton 2021 Romero Award ceremony and symposium will consist of a series of online events celebrating the perseverance and achievements of environmental and climate justice advocates culminating in the honoring of the award to an inspiring, indigenous, and feminist grassroots leader. This year's symposium will include global, national and local perspectives on environmental and climate justice issues and challenges in the context of Saint Oscar Romero's legacy. It will also launch the new and forthcoming work by our Moral Courage Project, Poison and Power: The Fight for Water.

On April 20, the Romero Human Rights Award Ceremony will honor Aura Lolita Chávez Ixcaquic, an inspiring, indigenous, and feminist grassroots leader for her advocacy for environmental justice in Guatemala. Other speakers will include Mauricio López Oropeza, a former executive secretary of the Red Eclesial Pan-Amazónica (REPAM), who will reflect on Romero's legacy.
