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Pope: International law has been violated, nuclear risks worsened with war

Saskatchewan community prays for victims of mass stabbing tragedy

Discernment means recognizing God in the unexpected, pope says

Polish church backs new war reparations, but stresses reconciliation

Catholic Charities sets up water distribution in response to Miss. flooding

German Synodal Path assembly set; some texts need approval from Vatican

Zero tolerance for priests guilty of abuse, pope says in interview

Pope issues new constitution, code for the Order of Malta

Bishop Dale J. Melczek, who took steps to address racism, dies at 83

Laudato Si' message gets added attention as Season of Creation opens

Number of Catholic institutions with union representation grows

Blessed John Paul I, 'the smiling pope,' showed God's goodness, pope says

Farmworkers' march in support of workers' bill has Catholic presence

Bishops' Labor Day statement touts bills to help children, women, families

Bishops urge listening to the call of the earth during Season of Creation

Pope: Correct view of tradition nurtures beauty, grandeur of the liturgy

Pope praises Gorbachev's commitment to harmony, fraternity, progress

St. Paul-Minneapolis Archdiocese creates Season of Creation calendar of prayers, actions

People must choose: Help grow garden of life or desert of death, pope says

Bishop who helped rebuild church in northwest China dies at 91
