Christopher White

Christopher White is the Vatican correspondent for NCR.  His e-mail address is Follow him on Twitter: @cwwhiteNCR.
Prior to moving to Rome in August 2021, he served as NCR's national correspondent, where his award winning reporting included coverage of the Catholic vote during the 2020 campaign and the election of President Joe Biden.
He holds a master's degree in ethics and society from Fordham University and a bachelor's degree in politics, philosophy and economics from The King's College. His work has appeared in Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, Forbes, Foreign Policy, New York Daily News, International Business Times, among many other print and online publications. He has regularly appeared on television and radio programs, including CNN, NPR, RTE and BBC and is a Vatican analyst for NBC and MSNBC news. 

By this Author

Cardinal McElroy: Pope's climate vision not getting enough attention from US bishops

Anonymous Catholic cardinal argues for a next pope very unlike Francis

US church failing on pope's climate goals, bishops say at private conference

Has Pope Francis failed to root out clergy sexual abuse?

Anglican woman bishop: Pope took 'risk' inviting her to address cardinal advisers

Catholic digital leaders urge modern-day missionaries to learn the internet

Fr. John Jenkins takes a bow as Notre Dame president, and admits some mistakes

Inside the Vatican's synod office: 'New style of leadership' for Catholic Church

From 'imbecile' to 'Your Holiness': Pope, Argentine president to meet

Exclusive: Vatican's abuse expert says ending priestly celibacy could prevent a 'double life'

Rome celebrates Christian unity week with joint prayers, and a woman preaching

Biden's Vatican ambassador says US working 'nonstop' to save Gaza civilians

A year after Cardinal Pell's death, allies lament loss of papal critic

Pope Francis calls for global ban on surrogate motherhood: Kids not 'commercial contract'

At Christmas, pope decries 'appalling harvest of innocent civilian victims' in Holy Land war

Pope Francis: Love, not power, changed the world at Christmas

Pope Francis to Vatican officials: Ideology, rigidity prevents church from moving forward

Women's leadership in Catholic Church a matter of 'moral urgency,' says Catholic Charities leader

In major doctrinal shift, Vatican officially OKs Catholic blessings for gay couples

As Pope Francis reaches his 87th birthday, the 'age issue' looms large
