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Lauren Markoe

By this Author

167 House members ask Trump to retain ambassador to combat anti-Semitism

Bears Ears National Monument, sacred to native tribes, faces challenge to its status

Faith groups: new immigration order still anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant

Senators want $20 million for JCCs and other faith-based community centers

Trump retains LGBT State Department official, frustrating Christian conservatives

Bomb threats called in to 16 Jewish community centers in one day

Jews at top of class in first-ever global study of religion and education

FBI reports spikes in anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic incidents

US Jewish-Muslim alliance formed against bigotry

White evangelicals, Catholics and Mormons carried Trump

Post-election church services aim to reconcile Christian voters

Washington, DC, approves 'Death With Dignity Act'

With Kaine and Pence, religion finally takes center stage in Election 2016

'Nones' at all-time high, but are not voting as a bloc

Poll: Jewish voters support Clinton over Trump by 3-1 ratio

Progressives embrace religious liberty for their own causes

Christian funeral planned for Arab-American slain in alleged hate crime

White evangelicals overwhelmingly back Trump, survey says

Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and teacher of tolerance, is dead at 87

Presbyterians vote to continue pressure on Israel

