NCR Forward Member Series


October 22:
Catholics and the election
Fordham’s David Gibson will moderate a conversation about Catholic voters in the 2024 election with panelists Kathleen Bonnette (Georgetown), Dan Rober (Sacred Heart University) and NCR's own Michael Sean Winters.March 27: A Holy Week retreat
Session recording and follow up info

October 16:
Chris Herlinger and Sr. Anna Andrusiv will discussed Chris' book, "Solidarity and Mercy: The Power of Christian Humanitarian Efforts in Ukraine" as well as life in Ukraine today. NCR board member David Bonior facilitated the discussion.
Session recording and follow up info

March 27
A Holy Week retreat with Sr. Mary McGlone, CSJ
Sr. Mary looks at the events of the Triduum gospels through the eyes of the people in them.
Session recording and follow up info

March 12: Pope Francis at 11 years
Join Vatican experts and NCR colleagues Christopher White and Joshua J. McElwee as they discuss the major events of the past 11 years, and what might be coming next for this pope of many surprises.
Session recording and follow up info


December 13: An Advent retreat with Sr. Nancy Sylvester, IHM
Sr. Nancy Sylvester, founder and director of the Institute for Communal Contemplation and Dialogue, will lead us through a one-hour Advent retreat.
Session recording and follow up info

October 10: Live from Rome
A week into the Synod on Synodality, Christopher White and Joshua McElwee shared their thoughts and
observations to date and then responded to questions from NCR Forward members.
Session recording and follow up info

May 12: A session on the Oxford Handbook of Vatican II
A conversation with Professors Catherine Clifford and Massimo Faggioli, editors, The Oxford Handbook of Vatican II.
Facilitated by Michael Sean Winters.
Session recording and follow up info

February 28: 10 Years with Pope Francis
Current and former Vatican Correspondents, Christopher White and Joshua McElwee, respectively, discussed their experiences with Pope Francis, shared behind-the-scenes moments, and fielded questions from NCR Forward members.
Session recording and follow up info


December 14: A contemplative gaze: the Incarnation through evolutionary eyes
We are living in an incredible time as we experience seeing the birth of stars through the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). We are looking back in time and seeing things we never could before. The evolution of our faith in this context is just emerging and is full of questions and wonderings. Nancy Sylvester, IHM, reflected on our faith from this new perspective.
Session recording and follow up info

August 3: A Papal Journey to Canada: A Discussion with Christopher White
On Sunday, July 24, Pope Francis arrived in Canada to begin an extraordinary journey of reconciliation. Christopher White, the National Catholic Reporter’s Vatican Correspondent, traveled with the Pope, listening, observing, and reporting. In this session, Christopher shared his impressions, and responded to questions from the participants. 
Session recording and follow up info

May 25: Black and White Habits: The Painful, Yet Proud, History of Black Catholic Sisters in the United States
Historian Shannen Dee Williams spoke about her long-awaited book, "Subversive Habits: Black Catholic Nuns in the Long African American Freedom Struggle," showing how the history of Black Catholic sisters is the history of Catholic sisters in the United States and provide a model of strength and faith for the entire church.
Session recording and follow up info


December 8: An Advent retreat with Sr. Nancy Sylvester, IHM
Sr. Nancy Sylvester, founder and director of the Institute for Communal Contemplation and Dialogue, will lead us through a one-hour Advent retreat.
Session recording and follow up info

November 11: Biden and the Bishops: Culture Wars or Communion?
A panel discussion held in partnership with the Center on Religion and Culture, Fordham University.
Session recording and follow up info

October 28: Recalibration: Moving to a preferred, grace-filled future
This NCR Forward member event is for those in the wisdom generation that are considering their next stage in life, contemplating both transition and how you will journey from busy days that belong mostly to others to days you can fully call your own.
Session recording and follow up info

September 29: An Estate Plan for the Earth  
As they live out their commitment to care for creation, women's religious communities have become leaders in local land conservation. To mark this monthlong Season of Creation, EarthBeat and Global Sisters Report hosted a virtual conversation with representatives of two communities that have made different decisions about how to preserve their land for future generations.
Session recording and follow up info

June 24: What Black Lives Matter Can Mean for Catholics
Presented by Olga Segura
Olga Segura, joined us to discuss her book, Birth of a Movement: Black Lives Matter and the Catholic Church (Orbis Books, 2021). Olga identified common values held by both the BLM movement and the Catholic Church. By embracing this reality, Catholics can learn how to build a Church characterized by racial equality, a Church in which truly, all are welcome.
Session recording and follow up info

Singing the Holy Week Journey
Presented by Fr. J. Michael Joncas
For our Lenten retreat, Fr. Mike shared with us some of his work from We Contemplate the Mystery: Lent and Triduum. We look at the readings of Palm Sunday and the Triduum, connecting the readings to the “hymn of the day.”  
Session recording and follow up info

January 21: Human Trafficking: It’s Closer than You Think
Presented by Sr. Maryann Agnes Mueller and Jennifer Reyes Lay
The exploitation of the human person takes on many forms, and knows no barriers or socio-economic borders. Citizens who are informed and alert, and know what to do with what they observe, help protect their families, neighborhoods and communities.
Session recording and follow up info

January 19: A Conversation on Anti-Human Trafficking
Presented by Sr. Gabriella Bottani and Sr. Jean Schafer
Srs. Gabriella Bottani and Jean Schafer, both leaders among Catholic sisters working against human trafficking, help us to understand the multiple ways that trafficking manifests itself around the world and how networking and spirituality buoy the sisters who work to stop this evil.
Session recording and follow up info


December 18: An Advent Retreat: Incarnational Encounter
Presented by Sr. Julia Walsh and ValLimar Jansen
Sr. Julia and ValLimar offered us an opportunity to pause amidst everything going on, and connect with the presence of God in our lives.
Session recording and follow up info

November 19: Three Black Catholics Continuing the Journey
Presented by Dr. Ansel Augustine, Msgr. Ray East, ValLimar  
Each a national leader in their own ministry, our guests shared their reflections on how their ministries, entrusted to them by God, continue the journey of Black Catholics in the U.S. Catholic Church.
Session recording and follow up info

November 17: Selma Sisters
Presented by Carol Colburn, Sr. Patricia McCann, Therese Stawowy
Our guests shared their experiences in this part of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s, how it influenced their lives and ministries, and their insights on the parallels and differences with the ongoing struggle to counter structural racism today. 
Session recording and follow up info

October 29: For All the Saints
Presented by Dan Schutte
Dan invited us to look a true holiness, which is born from our ability to see this world with the eyes of God, who sees everything and everyone as holy. When we begin to see like that, we treat each other differently. We treat creation differently. We begin to see the face of God everywhere.
Session recording and follow up info

September 24: Laudato Si': The End or The Beginning?
Presented by Fr. Dan Horan
Fr. Dan spoke about Laudato Si’ as a “liminal text,” standing in-between the useful but still inadequate “stewardship model” of creation and the call to embrace a “kinship model” of creation that recognizes humanity’s true place within and part of God’s broader community of creation. 
Session recording and follow up info

September 17: Understanding Our Place in Creation: A Call to Ecospirituality
Presented by Sr. Caroljean Willie
Sr. Caroljean invited us to a deeper understanding of ecospirituality and offered practical ideas to enhance our understanding of the role we play as an integral part of creation.
Session recording and follow up info

August 27: The Catholic Vote: Is It Still Decisive?
Presented by Michael Sean Winters
Michael shared his thoughts on the Catholic vote and the 2020 presidential election
Session recording and follow up info

August 13: Pope Francis After Year Seven
Presented by Joshua McElwee
Josh shared his thoughts on the defining decisions made by Pope Francis in his first seven years, and what we may see next.
Session recording and follow up info

July 23: On the Road with Sisters
Presented by Soli Salgado
What are memorable experiences or stories Soli wasn't able to write about? What has Soli learned and kept from sisters through her travels?
Session recording and follow up info

July 9: Five Years with Laudato Si’ -- Where Are We?  
Presented by Brian Roewe
Brian spoke about Pope Francis' ecological encyclical, focusing on its impact to date, and where do we go from here.
Session recording and follow up info

June 26: Coffee and Conversation with Heidi Schlumpf
Presented by Heidi Schlumpf
Heidi shared her thoughts on current issues in the Church and in our country, as well as some of her plans and ideas for NCR’s future. 
Session recording and follow up info 

Thank you! As an NCR Forward member, you provide vital support; we are most grateful for your partnership in this mission of independent Catholic Journalism.