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By this Author

Pope calls for a 'contagion' of Easter hope, peace, care for poor

Catholic Charities 'on front lines' as hunger needs in community increase

Pope leads Way of the Cross in empty, torch-lit St. Peter's Square

Appeals court lifts lower court ruling blocking federal executions

Bishop, faith groups urge Trump to support debt relief for poor nations

Knights of Columbus will provide funding, volunteers to help food banks

Supreme Court declines review of case involving Washington Archdiocese ad

USCCB Administrative Committee cancels U.S. bishops' June assembly

Catholic leaders urge Congress to address shortcomings in CARES Act

On the cross, God's loving nature is revealed, pope says

El Paso bishop calls for release of nonviolent migrants in detention

COVID-19 in Guayaquil: 'This is a matter that touches everyone'

SBA allows church entities to obtain needed loans to keep workers on staff

People are born to serve God, others, not profit from power, pope says

Hospital CEO briefs Baltimore priests on coronavirus in virtual meeting

Pope establishes coronavirus emergency fund for mission territories

Bishop Braxton retires; Chicago-area pastor named successor

Pope on Palm Sunday: Life, measured by love, is meant to serve others

Retired Delaware priest dies from COVID-19, underlying illnesses

Pope's favorability ratings move up from their 2018 low
