Christopher White named NCR's national correspondent

Your thoughts on conservative Catholics, women deacons, sharing Eucharist and more

Video: Facebook Live on 2020 election

Editorial independence in Catholic media is critical

Your thoughts on identity politics, LGBT treatment in the church, co-responsibility and more

Your thoughts on coverage of the coronavirus

National correspondent Heidi Schlumpf named NCR executive editor

Your thoughts on geofencing, women in the church, pro-life movement and more

Your thoughts on Catholic confusion, the continuing abuse crisis and more

Pro-Trump group targets Catholic voters using cellphone technology

Your thoughts on the US bishops' conference fall assembly

After Bransfield disinvitation, will other bishops follow suit?

Your thoughts on the media power of EWTN

Your thoughts on despair, abortion laws, married priests and more

How Mother Angelica's 'miracle of God' became a global media empire

Money trail tells the tale of EWTN's direction

EWTN: connected to conservative Catholic money, anti-Francis elements

The rise of EWTN: from piety to partisanship

NCR receives top honors from the Catholic Press Association

Your thoughts on a humble church, role of women, clergy sexual abuse and more
