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Pope calls for end to discrimination against people with Hansen's disease

Taxes must serve the common good, pope tells Italy's revenue agency

Defending retired Pope Benedict, cardinals cite outreach to victims, action against abusers

Vatican ambassador urges 'concrete action' to protect civilians amid armed conflict

Aid to Church in Need calls for prayers for Myanmar on coup anniversary

Vatican projects budget deficit for 2022 as pandemic continues

Pope: Church courts must never manipulate facts for a desired end

After COVID-19 quarantine, Washington's Cardinal Gregory 'back at work'

Madrid archdiocese helped 72 abuse survivors in 2021, report says

In decisions, retiring Justice Breyer has opposed death penalty, supported right to abortion

Honduran bishops urge dialogue during political crisis

With majority vaccinated, restrictions removed in English, Welsh churches

Work, prayer-life balance: Even a cardinal must find a way

Peru bishop warns of harm to environment, livelihoods from oil spill

Pride is an obstacle to Christian unity, pope says

U.S. bishop urges dialogue to 'peacefully resolve' crisis over Ukraine

Justice Barrett urges Catholic school students to work hard and dream

Pope names two New York pastors as auxiliary bishops of N.Y. Archdiocese

Sri Lankan cardinal to seek global help for justice in church bombings

Ukrainians are afraid, but hope in the power of prayer, archbishop says
