No one has a right to be surprised about the Capitol violence

Looking ahead to 2021 in the life of the church in the US

Can Joe Biden heal a divided nation — and his own Catholic Church?

The sycophancy of Raymond Arroyo

Will conservative Catholics be horrified by latest Viganò letter?

What Archbishop Gregory did, and did not, do

Links for 5/12/20

Pandemic crisis reveals impoverished understanding of solidarity

Catholics have been intertwined with US politics for decades

Links for 3/10/20

The Amazon synod is about the concept of social sin, not married priests

Your thoughts on Distinctly Catholic columns

Amazon synod has set Pope Francis' professional haters on edge

Don't like that pope? Read what he wrote.

The Pell verdict: Various shades of justice

Your thoughts on the media power of EWTN

How Mother Angelica's 'miracle of God' became a global media empire

Money trail tells the tale of EWTN's direction

EWTN: connected to conservative Catholic money, anti-Francis elements

The rise of EWTN: from piety to partisanship
