Faith is a relationship, not a set of rules, pope says at Angelus

We have to take seriously our role as shepherds

A good Christian shares the Gospel, pope says

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: Fruitful plan

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: An equal opportunity sin

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: Missionary disciples

A commission to forgive, to restrain evil, and to bring life

Let's spread the message of Jesus wherever we go

Third Sunday of Easter: From confusion to faith

Receive the Holy Spirit and he breathes on us

Second Sunday of Easter: Forgiven and forgiving

Easter and April Fools, All-At-Once

Eastern icons challenge Western notion of Resurrection

When confronted with injustice, what would Jesus do?

Jesus never abandons people in times of trial, pope says at parish

May we serve others through reconciliation

Follow Jesus who rejects violence, returns love for hate

If we share, there is abundance

There's more to Bethlehem's story than Christmas

Our deepest conversion has to be away from violence
