Guest Voices

I can't breathe because God can't breathe

Do the Trump tradeoffs jeopardize fundamental aspects of our faith?

Talking with Catholic girls about priesthood

We were born fitting the description

Skid Row anointing in the City of Angels

Laudato Si' validates centuries of indigenous knowledge to defend nature

Confessions of a 'Weird Catholic'

El Paso's Bishop Mark Seitz: Black lives matter

Black in America: I am tired

The assumptions of white privilege and what we can do about it

Instead of a 'return to normal,' let's pursue a profound transformation

What happens to workers in the gig economy when the gig runs dry?

Physical distancing lessons from a monk and a rabbi

'Roe' revelations a reminder that people are ends, not means

A proposal for Catholic-Orthodox eucharistic sharing during the pandemic

Instead of televised Mass, I pray Teilhard's 'Mass on the World'

Virtual togetherness just doesn't cut it

Laudato Si' takes root in Africa, but much urgent work remains

Would prayer services during pandemic be more helpful than livestreamed Masses?

Social distance should not be a woman-only virtue
