While reopening rules get debated, the people of God starve for ministry

Churches in Europe reopening with restrictions to avoid contagion

Public allowed, with restrictions, for Mass in Italy starting mid-May

Pope: Be simple, concrete like children when acknowledging sins

Jesus gives strength to face the unexpected, pope says

How social distancing may change the way we do church

Money, vanity, gossip will always divide communities, pope says

An Easter without Eucharist cannot keep Christ from being among us

Pope says living faith without sacraments, community is dangerous

Bishop allows doctors to give Communion to coronavirus patients

At Mass, pope prays for unity, fidelity in difficult time

Good Friday: Look and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow!

Vatican approves special 'Mass in the Time of Pandemic'

COVID-19 is not God's judgment, but a call to live differently, pope says

Older Catholics reflect on pandemic's effect on faith life, how they cope

Cardinal Burke says faithful should attend Mass despite coronavirus

Spirituality in a time of quarantine

Public Mass ban in Italy leads to new focus on 'spiritual Communion'

Churches begin canceling Masses in effort to stem COVID-19 pandemic

Coronavirus is a physical and spiritual threat
