'Shocking' ignorance on Real Presence prompts eucharistic congress

Bishop reacts to controversy over priest's abortion comments

Speaker: Accompaniment, worship, works of mercy can help struggling church

The ecological significance of the Eucharist

Christ has no body on earth but yours

Length of Catholic sermons a small percentage of Christian counterparts

Your thoughts on traditional Latin Mass, part two

Your thoughts on welcoming LGBT Catholics, holy anger, St. Newman and more

Why I haven't left the church

Your thoughts on traditional Latin Mass

Your thoughts on denying the Eucharist

Celebrating Mass in catacombs, pope recalls all persecuted Christians

Church faces conflicts with help of Holy Spirit, pope says at audience

Your thoughts on Mass ad orientem, part two

Your thoughts on 2020 election, Napa Institute, a synod for women and more

Your thoughts on the real presence, part two

The Eucharist is about more than Christ becoming present

Do Catholics 'actually' believe in the Real Presence?

Your thoughts on abolishing the priesthood, part two

Receive Communion every time as if it were the first time, pope says
