Michael Sean Winters

Michael Sean Winters is the author of Left At the Altar: How Democrats Lost The Catholics And How Catholics Can Save The Democrats (Basic Books, 2008). His biography of the Rev. Jerry Falwell, God's Right Hand: How Jerry Falwell Made God a Republican and Baptized the American Right was published by Harper One in January 2012 to critical acclaim. 

By this Author

The politics of the pandemic may be shifting, but not the morality

Links: Francis' critics distort past popes; filibuster myths; praise for Merrick Garland

How dark money prostitutes the US church and distorts Catholicism

Will US bishops find their voice and defend democracy?

Links: JD Vance's Catholicism, Jan. 6 sentences and mezzo-sopranos

What stories about the Catholic Church will we be following in 2022?

Links: Tim Busch on Roe; Cardinal Dolan on secularism; a plug for church charging stations

What to expect in the world of US politics in 2022

Links: Cincinnati Men's Conference; fragmenting Trumpism; airport design award

In 2021, it became obvious the US bishops and the pope are singing from different hymnals

Links: Puerto Rico's energy grid; loss of Desmond Tutu; rising number of clergy quitting

In 2021, Biden's decency couldn't save democracy. The real test will come in 2022.

Links: Evil in conservativism; unions are good for all; parody of wokeism

US bishops should help Latin Massgoers understand purpose of Francis' new restrictions

Links: Expanding the Supreme Court; the 'Four Freedoms'; vaccine mandates

Fox and EWTN make truth a casualty of the culture war

Inflation has the country on edge. Democrats need to find better ways to address it.

Links: Trumpian propaganda; global inequality; Latino voters

Opposition to Black icon at Catholic University ignores Christ's universality

Links: Cordileone rescheduled; Newsom's gun proposal; GOP shenanigans in Georgia
