Tim Tebow and the Vatican join forces to give disabled an epic prom night

Evangelicals embrace Trump's peace plan, saying it recognizes the Bible 'as legal'

Liberty University's debate between religious liberals and conservatives hits a snag

Religions can be part of the solution for peace, not the problem, faith leaders say

Marianne Williamson ends presidential bid, says campaign tried her faith

Castro visits woman taking sanctuary in a church; other Dem candidates voice support

Democrats' new faith outreach director launches 'listening sessions'

Pompeo: All faiths will have 'something to say' on forthcoming peace plan

Links for 3/5/19

Two years after Trump's travel ban, faith-based refugee groups struggle

Cardinal Kasper is far from controversies for a change, and happily so

Bishops and astronauts gather in Washington to remember Apollo 8

As Catholic sex abuse investigations begin, questions remain

Pope Francis pushes Catholics to actively oppose the death penalty

Links for 5/8/18

Links for 3/20/18
