Sen. Durbin talks Dreamers, guns at Georgetown

Campus Notebook: Colleges won't discriminate against activists; no birth control at Boston College

Campus Notebook: University of Mary 'booming'; misdirected funds at Georgetown

At Georgetown, Cardinal Tobin shares journey with immigrants

Campus Notebook: Fordham taken to court over club; Newman cancels LGBT exhibit

Military training on Catholic campuses is wrong

Morning Briefing

'Has America lost its moral center?' asks Fordham panel

Campus Notebook: St. Gregory's to close; diversity milestone at Alverno

Georgetown event examines questions surrounding nuclear arms, North Korea

Campus Notebook: Georgetown, Chestnut Hill updates; no free contraceptive insurance at Notre Dame

Campus Notebook: Georgetown club dispute; Duquesne ranks in sustainable business

Pauli Murray: Refusing restrictions of society and law

Campus Notebook: Sally Yates at Georgetown; Misericordia's new bioethics center

Campus Notebook: LGBT alumni benefit; Nike and Georgetown; forgiveness for acid attack

Wuerl: Pope sees 'journeying together' as essential to life of church
