Smith dinner's tone lighthearted, but abuse crisis not ignored in remarks

Chinese provincial official: Vatican will interfere in religious affairs

Pope: God wants change in church stricken by perversion of clericalism

Lives of love: Pope Francis canonizes Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Romero

Lori: Catholics living out their God-given vocations will help church heal

Religions that do not pursue peace are a contradiction, pope says

El Salvador celebrates its first saint, whose legacy continues

Children of Salvadoran TPS holders gain support from Pope Francis

Meeting the challenge: Bishops say synod can make a difference

Chinese bishop says agreement is sign that universal church is one

Cardinal blasts archbishop's attack on pope as 'monstrous and unsubstantiated'

Christians must live the beatitudes, not just preach them, pope says

Vatican investigates former Chilean archbishop

Church leaders must face truth of abuse, Cardinal DiNardo says

Trump White House faith outreach a picture of selective access

At synod, Archbishop Fisher apologizes to young people for church failures

Religious brother leaves bishops' conference while misconduct charge investigated

Pope urges synod's bishops to dream, reject conformism

Pope asks bishops, young people to drop their prejudices as synod begins

Holy Spirit can bring healing in divisive times, priest says at Red Mass
