Catholics in Argentina speak out against mining and other extractive industries

Pope Francis' latest lesson in ecclesiology

Pope praises James Martin's work with LGBT Catholics: reflects 'closeness of God'

Major pro-life advocacy group holds rallies to support denying Communion to Biden

Can the US church manage the synodal path?

No 'smoking gun' yet in Pius XII archives, researchers say

What Pope Francis' message of fraternity means to Iraq's Christian heartland

Gift of the Holy Spirit connects people to Christ, pope says at audience

Post-pandemic world must learn from mistakes, pope says

Ireland's bishops plan synod to hear from people who have left the church

Francis tells Iraqi faith leaders: violence in name of religion 'greatest blasphemy'

Pope says he will remain in Rome until death

COVID-19 cases rising in Iraq as pope set to visit

Pope: Fight temptation with faith, prayer, penance

Papal astronomer celebrates Mars missions

Pope: True ecumenical dialogue begins with love

Vatican employees required to get COVID-19 vaccine

Pope: God wants to open hearts, forgive, heal

Iraq announces COVID-19 restrictions ahead of papal trip

Panel: Facing truth is essential to healing strife, social sin
