
EarthBeat Weekly: Facing the future with the world on fire

Fighting for water rights

I'm 18 and can already see my Alaska community changed forever by climate change

Election 2020: How seven climate-conscious young Christians are deciding their vote

Earthbeat Weekly: What's one thing we can all do about climate change? Talk about it

Can conservation measures save sea turtles from climate change?

Pope: Compassion for earth is vaccine against epidemic of indifference

EarthBeat Weekly: Pope Francis' ecological conversion on the way to Laudato Si'

African Catholic climate activists warn against proposed pipeline

States are doing what big government won’t to stop climate change, and want stimulus funds to help

These big city mayors want green stimulus spending to counter COVID-19

EarthBeat Weekly: Justice means safe water for all

Oklahoma governor asked EPA to strip tribes of environmental authority

This 'Season of Creation' demands attention to environmental racism

Pope: Jubilee for the Earth a time for restoring bond with God, creation

Hurricane destroys Louisiana churches, closes schools, displaces priests

EarthBeat Weekly: A legacy of rollbacks

Climate chaos: Extreme heat, wildfires and record-setting storms suggest a frightening future is already here

Bishop Cantú: Californians 'on edge' as historic wildfires rage

18 Things to know about Howey Ou, China's only teenage climate striker
