NCR Podcast: Updates on the clergy sex abuse crisis

Every Catholic, lay and clergy, is called to confront evil of abuse

Viganò's role in Nienstedt case scrutinized anew with bishop's statement

Parish roundup: Addressing the abuse crisis, while church's work goes on

Young Catholics stay to fight for church reform in wake of scandals

US cardinals reject Vatican diplomat's claims of widespread cover-up of abuse

Protesters outside churches call for Wuerl's resignation, church reform

Former ambassador Vigano accuses Vatican of covering up McCarrick scandal for years

The elephant in the sanctuary: Did the abuse crisis come up at Mass?

Robert George's all-or-nothing take on the abuse crisis is wrong-headed

Past review board members greet call for abuse investigation with cautious praise

In Pennsylvania and DC, the abuse scandal comes home

Links for 8/7/18

With McCarrick scandal, #MeToo arrives for the church

Expanded background checks among changes to child protection charter

Grand jury report on abuse looms for six Pennsylvania dioceses

No paradigm shifts, Weigel says -- but church history is full of them
