Imitate Jesus, resist temptation and follow God's will

Christ and culture in paradox, and Christ as transformer of culture

Tilling the Earth

Mercy sisters cook up recipes for a less-meat Lent (and not just on Fridays)

Pope: Lent is a time to reflect on God's love, not 'useless sermons'

Shut off cellphone, open Bible for Lent, pope tells faithful

Should Catholic women give up fasting for Lent?

Northern Italian dioceses take drastic measures against coronavirus

God can't wait to forgive, to reconcile and welcome us home

Patient God, urgent message

This Lent, we are to decide how we will live

Our Lenten journey with Jesus

Destinations — preparing for the Lenten journey

Lent calls us to Jesus' most challenging teaching

Teacher apologizes for telling boy to remove cross of ashes on forehead

From Laborem Exercens to AOC: why I'm a Catholic Democratic Socialist

There's this thing about Lent

Lent is a time for a little less hypocrisy, pope says

Adults have much to learn from children about how to do Lent

Fasting from food, feeding on the Bible during Lent
