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Sisters of Providence Mother Joseph Province will match $5,000 in gifts received today!

Retired archbishop says he won't keep quiet about pope as 'heretic'

Bishop proposes rotating presidency of German bishops' conference

Pope: Lent is a time to reflect on God's love, not 'useless sermons'

Shut off cellphone, open Bible for Lent, pope tells faithful

Another leading official quits German Bishops’ Conference

German theologian spearheads transition to a 'gender appropriate' Catholic Church

Pope Francis punts on married priests

'Shocking' ignorance on Real Presence prompts eucharistic congress

Pope shares with U.S. bishops his frustration with reaction to Amazon text

Prophets are social critics not fortunetellers

Cardinal Marx won't seek reelection as head of German bishops

What's on pastors' minds? It's not religious liberty

Christ must be our strength, Seattle archbishop tells fellow bishops

Buffalo Catholic diocese to close seminary amid $500K losses

Pope: God's kingdom is for the poor in spirit, not the proud of heart

Speaker: Accompaniment, worship, works of mercy can help struggling church

For some Latinos, grappling with their Christian identity can be complicated

Liberty University's debate between religious liberals and conservatives hits a snag

Christian unity requires recognizing, welcoming others' gifts, pope says

Hospitality is an important ecumenical virtue, pope says
