Pope Francis takes US bishops to task for cover-up, conflict, division

Links for 11/20/18

Cupich denies hatching, with Wuerl, a plan for handling bishop misconduct

NCR Podcast: What happened at the US bishops' fall meeting?

Psychologist: Communication failures obscure US bishops' progress on abuse

Ignore the Vatican: Bishops can forge ahead on stopping abuse, cover-up

In the voting booth, weigh climate change as a pro-life issue

Encuentro participants go home to parishes with mission to 'start working'

Editorial: Bishops' plan to address abuse falls short on accountability

US cardinals reject Vatican diplomat's claims of widespread cover-up of abuse

Civil groups lead efforts to reunite children with deported parents

Expanded background checks among changes to child protection charter

Links for 6/12/18

US bishops' annual abuse audit highlights concerns about complacency

As fear permeates immigrant communities, US bishops' responses vary

'Catholics Are Still In' campaign recommits support for Paris climate pact

Catholic response to gun violence is contradictory and confused

US bishops back assault weapons ban, are leery of arming teachers

Immigration advocates hold on to hope after Senate DACA failure

Links for 1/11/18
