Two men in white: Book saga shows need to rethink norms for retired popes

Your thoughts on synod listening sessions, Trump's deadly sins, elusive unity in Portland parish

German Catholics complete final preparations for 'synodal way'

The Amazon synod is about the concept of social sin, not married priests

O'Malley finds new insight putting three church councils side by side

'Ad orientem' tussles turn on matters of community, liturgical diversity

Do Catholics 'actually' believe in the Real Presence?

Links for 7/16/19

The purgatory of the sex abuse crisis

Three criteria to evaluate Francis' reform of Vatican Curia

Sixth year may go down as the most decisive in Francis' papacy

Francis expresses openness to Vatican mediation in Venezuela

Ecumenism's on the back burner, but it's had unintentional success

Church historian says sex abuse poses biggest threat to church in 500 years

Indian bishop promotes peace in Miao, but sees church enemies in allegations

Sainting Romero and Paul VI, Francis says: no 'half measures' to holiness

Pope Hamlet: Paul VI's indecisive, wavering papacy

For Francis, February bishops' meeting will be a defining moment

Not all church reforms are equal or advisable

I stay Catholic, believing this church is better than it shows itself to be
