A community of 'co-sufferers': navigating grief in the social media age

The wounded body of Christ: a response to Carroll's critics

Virginia parish institute reaches for the stars on Catholic lecture circuit

Women's authority can help heal our church's broken governance

Fasting from food, feeding on the Bible during Lent

Francis inherits decades of abuse cover-up

Links for 1/17/19

Final US Jesuit group releases names of accused abusers

Sourcing enlightenment: Changing media breaks open spiritual guidance

Justice Action Bulletin: Capitol Hill advocacy; encouraging Latinos to vote

Chasing rainbows at World Meeting of Families

Fr. James Martin urges Catholics to examine attitudes toward LGBT community

Critics say pope's comments are both 'bold' and 'too little, too late'

Ireland enthusiastic for World Meeting of Families despite misgivings about abuse scandals

Catholics and lawmakers respond to sex abuse report with dismay, plans for change

Links for 7/24/18

Priests' social justice concerns shape assembly, resolutions

Women and LGBTQ people must find solidarity in struggle for a just church

Parish roundup: Outdoor weddings; Arkansas growth; black Catholic history

Campus Notebook: Commencement controversies, Catholic college in danger of closing
