In battleground states, Catholics are a pivotal swing vote

Links for 9/22/20

Is Kamala Harris anti-Catholic?

GOP attacks Harris amid battle for Catholic voters' support

Trump or Biden? What's a Catholic voter to do?

Links for 8/25/20

Cardinal Dolan to offer prayer at Republican National Convention

Links for 8/13/20

'Poor People's Campaign' eyes low-income voters in 13 states

The Catholic vote decides who wins, even if it doesn't exist

Poll shows a partisan split over virus-era religious freedom

Is Trump killing his supporters?

Pew survey shows divide among religious believers over views about Trump

Catholic voters ignored by Democrats at their own peril

Editorial: Reaping what we sow in the impeachment trial

Four Catholic solutions to toxic politics

For next census, expect every dirty trick in the book from GOP

Will the Catholic Church self-destruct or bridge the partisan divide?

To overtake Senate, Democrats should focus on kitchen table issues

Trump's emerging Catholic problem
