CHA letter to Biden reveals extensive list of health care priorities

The Francis Effect podcast, bonus episode: Attack on the Capitol

Following attempted coup, Biden administration must prioritize anti-racism work

Pelosi references Epiphany and St. Francis as House confirms Biden win

Editorial: Catholics need to confess their complicity in the failed coup

No one has a right to be surprised about the Capitol violence

Cardinal Gregory, Sen.-elect Warnock have a history of collaboration

As Jesuit chaplain retires, House of Representatives picks first female chaplain

117th Congress, like the old, is overwhelmingly Christian, heavily Protestant

Faith leaders urge Congress to honor election result

What to expect on the religious scene in 2021: Experts cast their sights on the year ahead

Who needs Democrats and Republicans anyway?

Tumultuous election sends country's second Catholic president into office

Lots of money, and hard work, bring pandemic aid bill to finish line

Supreme Court gives no definitive ruling on Trump's census plan

Your thoughts on abortion, Biden and the US bishops

Thanks, President Trump — I learned a lot from you

Links for 11/19/20

Cardinal hopes pastoral initiative inspires much needed unity in Peru

'Pelosi' biography chronicles wins and losses, not her inner workings
