Pope Francis has unshackled the church from the death penalty

Conservatives must face John Paul II's legacy in sex abuse crisis

Vatican must keep up its clear, inspiring leadership in climate crisis

Why I'm staying Catholic

For real change, we must get at four roots deeper than church structures

Could reform of the church mean schism?

Church did not foresee crimes by bishops, says canon law professor

The fortunes of papal power: Two centuries that led us to Francis

Editorial: It's time to choose the painful path of purification

Doubts about Viganò's accusations aside, Pope Francis needs a better response

'New Ultramontanists': Why do some Catholics fear change?

Links for 8/9/18

Archbishop Hunthausen embraced Vatican II, served people's needs

With McCarrick scandal, #MeToo arrives for the church

With death penalty change, Francis builds on John Paul II's teaching

Death penalty opponents welcome Pope Francis' catechism revision

Conservatives distort McCarrick scandal to attack Francis

Eastern Europe's church still rallies to call of 'Humanae Vitae'

Birth of an encyclical: Priest documents preparation of 'Humanae Vitae'

Links for 7/5/18
